Sixth issue

"Noise Theory and Pratice"

Vol. 2 No. 4 (IV, 2016)

Noise Theory and Practice. 2016; 4 (2): 1-34

The following topics are covered in the current Issue of the Journal:


  • Experimental Investigations of Quasi-flat Acoustic Absorbers Enhanced by Metamaterial Layers;
  • Research noise characteristics of planetary mixer;
  • Influence of the material on the acoustic efficiency of the noise barriers;
  • Selecting of soundproofing glass.

P. 1



Azbaid El Ouahabi, Krylov V.V. 
Experimental Investigation of Quasi-flat Acoustic Absorbers Enhanced by Metamaterial Layers
P. 2-16


Zapletnikov I.N., Gordienko A.V., Pilnenko A.K.
Research noise characteristics of VM-10 planetary mixer
P. 17-23


Ivanov N.I., Shashurin A.E., Boiko I.S.
Influence of the material on the acoustic efficiency of the noise barriers
P. 24-28


Vasilyev V.A., Svetlov V.V.
Selecting of soundproofing glass in the design of linear objects in a multi-storey residential building
P. 29-34